Heart Month is a pivotal time to raise awareness and funds to beat heart disease in Canada. You can help the University Hospital Foundation save lives by donating today.
Mandy Rouselle
Jenna Donovan
Bassit Nawaz

How does your donation keep hearts beating?
- Through contributing $1 for every $4 it took to build the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute (the Maz), University Hospital Foundation donors have played a pivotal role in creating and equipping one of the finest complex cardiac care institutes in North America. The Maz is known for its advanced technology, and minimally invasive treatments for adults, children and infants.
- The Foundation doesn’t just work with the Maz on cardiac care, we also fund research and innovation such as our Heartway program. Through this program, the Foundation and its partners are hoping to improve outcomes for Albertans suffering from plaque buildup in the walls of their arteries – a common cause of heart attack and stroke.
- As another example, the Sonostemi research project uses vibrating ultrasound beams in conjunction with medication to open blockages and break up clots in the hearts small arteries. This could have a huge impact on patients in remote areas who might not make it to a cardiac centre like the Maz.

Heart Month at the University Hospital Foundation is presented by Freson Bros.
We feel obligated to be a leader in the community and we don’t expect anything back. If we can support the level of cardiac care that people receive, then I think we’ve completed that part of our mission.
Doug Lovsin, President of Freson Bros. 
Heart Pledge Day is presented by Popeye’s Supplements Canada

Since 2010, the University Hospital Foundation has partnered with a local radio station to raise critical funds that support the most advanced equipment, technology, and work environments in the world, right here at home. Over the course of 12 hours, listeners learn about the important, cutting-edge work done at the Maz and hear life-changing stories of patients from Alberta and across Canada.

Did you know
Some of the sickest of the sick cardiac patients from across northern Alberta, western Canada and the Territories come to the Maz for a level of care they cannot find anywhere else.

The Maz by the numbers
pediatric open-heart surgeries per day
adult and pediatric open-heart surgeries annually
adult transplants, and 13 pediatric transplants annually
inpatient admissions annually
outpatient visits annually

Raise awareness
Highlight your support via your organization’s social media channels and internal communications. Contact us for our media toolkit.

Become a sponsor
A unique opportunity to build your brand and showcase your values. We’re pleased to engage your team through unique experiences and activations.

Make a donation
For your generosity, receive a charitable tax receipt and recognition as a donor to the Maz.

Cardiac stories

Brad's VAD
Popular Alberta Chef, cardiac patient and community fundraiser extraordinaire are a few ways you could describe Brad Smoliak.

Partnership supports patients with heart failure
The University Hospital Foundation (UHF) is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada to improve outcomes for patients with heart failure.

Re-examining the relationship between salt and heart failure
Dr. Justin Ezekowitz, a cardiologist at the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, has a question about salt – is it good or bad for cardiac patients with heart failure?

In support of